help is here


United States
43° 38' 10.1328" N, 116° 19' 43.6332" W

There is no blood on the floor,
Nor is there a weapon in her hand.
Just a lonely girl with a rope around her neck
And a single tear fallen on her cheek.

The room is dark,
With a single lamp illuminating a piece of paper.
The handwriting is shaking
Rather distraught in word flow.

Dear mom and Dad,
You have supported me with everything
I know you care,
But I don’t agree with life anymore.

I’m sorry you have to see this
But it’s what’s best.
Tell little Johnny I’ll always be his big sister,
I love you.

These words are said by teens around the world,
The ones stricken by bullying.
Physically mentally and emotionally scared
By the ones who they spend time with daily.

Bullying doesn’t just come in the form of peers
But those who torment victims the most.
Are there ways to stop this?
Is there a cure for this self destruction?

The answer is YES.
Standbys, report an incident,
Don’t just stay mute and let a life be ruined
Help the issue.

Victims, stand up to the challenge
And know that you are important in the world.
Get out of the situation
To better your environment with self confidence.

Bring communities together,
Get the awareness out in the open.
Let the abused know there is help to be found
And don’t stop sharing the knowledge.

Let no more blood and tears shed.
The world is cruel on its own,
Don’t make it an option to stop a life.
There is hope.


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If You Need Support

If you ever need help or support, we trust for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741