
Sat, 06/01/2013 - 08:17 -- mscuroe


United States
42° 17' 32.1684" N, 90° 50' 54.4272" W

Dogwood seeds blow through empty kennels
bogged by bleach and Dawn
If you walk with purpose, you’re invisible
to the Catahoula Leopard dog and his howl
Hannah stops at every piece of parking lot debris
cigarettes half-burned, pop tabs, peanut shells
If you can live with the vice in your chest
Tabby will wait to close her eyes
needle thrumming with death and love songs
from the mouth of Rabbit – undetermined sex
with scars on hir ears
If you can stand the glass with greasy forehead prints
be part of this non-profit (freak) show
the three-legged pit bull laughs


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