Heavenly Inspiration

A few days after high school graduation, a tragedy struck
It pierced the whole town’s heart, it was like we all had bad luck
Head on head collision right by my neighbor’s old farm
A big semi-truck crashed right into a motorcycle causing nothing but harm
On that shiny green motorcycle sat Christian, my dear friend
When I heard the wretched news, I knew my heart would never mend
Christian was only eighteen when the horror arose
It still gives me atrocious shivers from my head to my toes
How could this happen? Why did such a young soul have to go?
I feel like until I arrive at the gates, I’ll never know
Christian’s story has taught me to never stop
I have to keep working hard until I make it to the top
He’s never going to get the chance to live this beautiful life
He will never experience what it’s like to have kids or a wife
I’m living for Christian, I’m living for him
I’m going to work hard until the day I die even if I have to break every limb
Every time I reflect on the ghastly day
It reminds me that I need to live my life to the fullest and listen to what others say
Only the good dies young , right?
My friends and I reflect on the horrible day and hold each other tight
Our community passes one another and lets out a timid “hi”
Because nobody knows what to say about a gorgeous boy who died



Gave me goosebumps!


I love this poem!!

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