And that's the last thing
i want you to feel.
It will feel like an anchor holding
onto your heart.
and it's not just any anchor;
it goes by the name heartbreak.
One that is hollw as bone and
as clear as glass,
One that has and orange ember
that lingers within it.
It moves around like a cold
orange slushie.
But, when you touch it, it will burn
you mre than a thousand suns.
It wraps around your heart
a thousand times.
Then it's going to rip through all your
organs to the bottom of your chest.
It will drown you in a pool
of your own misery.
And there's no escape.
You will live with it for
the rest of your life.
Because that small ember is the love left behind.
No matter how small you might
think the anchor is,
it will always be more than you expect it to be
So it's your choice...
Live with heartbreak after it's
done it's buisness with you,
or escape the deal while you can.
Can you imagine what it's like?
To constantly love somebody who
hurts you so much.
That's what its like.
An anchor dragging yoy down by the
through the sea of sadness.
A lock without a key.
a heart without a beat.
A sickness without remedy.