Born with a Heart.
Live with a Heart.
Die with a Heart.
The Heart is ones Earth,
The gateway to the
Listen closely,
To the murmurs.
“lub,” “dub” “lub” “dub,”
“lubdub,” “lubdublubdublubddub.”
Listen closely,
To the purpose
of your heart.
“love” “do” “love” “do”
“lovedo” “lovedolovedolovedolovedo.”
Use your ear to hear the sound of your Heart.
Supply your lungs,
Enable your voice.
Body supplies the Heart.
World provides opportunities.
Send the necessity.
Be the necessity.
Fill the world with the love of your Heart.
Discrimination causes death.
Supply the entire world.
Let there be
Let there be
The rhythm of your Heart
Is the rhythm of your life.
Embrace the risk. Challenge the failure.
Just please, listen closely:
“lovedo, lubdub, lovedo,