He is Everyway
They say He is not allowed in my life
They say He is not real
He is not worthy
He is not gracious
He is not kind
He is not the one above everything
He is not the one right for me
They say He can’t satisfy me in anyway
Who can critique a person or a thing?
Without opening a book or their mind to the possibilities
Yes He is there
He is real
He is kind
He always loves
I slam Him like the rest
I hold Him accountable for the lies
Neither His nor mine but everyone’s
I cheat
I steal
I lie
I don’t forgive
I fail in everyway
He will forgive
He has promises
He is truth
His holds the power
He is Jesus
They say you’re a Jesus freak
Just die and go away.
Yet he says
You are a Jesus freak
Die and live again
Stay and never go away