He is Brave


United States
30° 27' 31.4676" N, 90° 7' 50.808" W

He is different and he knows it.
This boy is young but he understands he doesn’t fit.
There is an understanding, to avoid violence
It must remain silent.
He will later be judged for being this way.
This is how he was born, it is perfectly okay.
Who would choose to be threatened and mocked?
His rights as a human are repeatedly blocked.
There is a constant fight for equality and respect.
If no one fights for his rights what can we expect?
We must ban together and fight for rights
We can do this together our goal is in sight!
We all deserve to be happy and free
Fight prejudice and just let others be.
As people we must love each other, we are all we’ve got
Working together should come without thought.
We have one life to live
And one chance to give.
This boy is brave.
He is already saved.



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