Haunted House
The house is in my neighborhood
The next to mine in second lane
I wish that you come in with me
I'm on way , thou leave the train
It was the house of mirth and Glee
The lawns were full of morning blooms
The children played and sang so free
In scented breeze and scented rooms
It was all in the far off past
Now all they in the graveyard dwell
The people of the past all say
That they were killed by ancient well
In night of waning moon in storm
When there was ringing misty bell
Since centuries their all doors are shut
But in the night of waning moon
The doors all open with a burst
And roams in lawn the horrid Doom
In whistling wind in ringing bells
They laugh and play and sing in Glee
The candles shine in midst of storm
The water of the well run free
O I think thou can not this see
May that thou stood in midst of awe
Thou continue thy journey on
For it is all the nature's law