The Hatred of Snow
The black flame was
Ignited by the hatred of snow.
When it burns, it destroys communities.
The contumacious fire
Should fade into cold wind
But it catches school textbooks
Long ago discarded in the streets
For promises of lollipops and
A land filled with milk and honey.
That land is burned before the followers
Get there. Their children waiting
In the womb, feeling
Hands that wonder why
They chose to live.
Forty years turns into fifty,
We wander and are
Sucked into quicksand hidden under
The foliage of laws and de facto segregation.
Sweet breath must fade.
That sweet breath was choked by black fire
Before those children left the womb.
When it beats upon houses
In showers of bullets,
When it beats upon
The mansions of affluent neighborhoods
Smile and say
At least we’re free for a little while.
That is until red blood drowns us in our sleep
And black boys are kissed by men who
Are supposed to protect them.
Or until a girl is beaten to death and raped
But the government calls it suicide.
My people mourn when a pregnancy
Is announced and rejoice
At funerals.
How are we different from Haiti?
Take away the little wealth we possess and
My people are beaten down and in poverty too.
Black fire was
Ignited by white snow
But now
It fights itself.
Raging wildly.
Winter wind
Fingers brown cheeks,
Brings tears to eyes,
Reddens noses,
Crawls up sleeves,
Freezes hearts.
My parents had to walk against
The Michigan blizzards to
Be considered half as smart
For twice the work.
We are the strongest of the slaves.
We survived the Middle Passage and
Years and years of backbreaking work.
But, we will never have the privileges of
To creep into stores without someone following,
To ride to school in Mustangs.
Because black fire incinerates opportunities, or
Because they are cold to the touch.
Limbo, horrendous,
All big lips, big nose, dark skin.
When she looks beautiful the cold strokes her cheeks
And despite all of her suffering
She kisses that pale white, invisible finger
Because she has loathed it and longed for it.
The black flame was
Ignited by the hatred of snow,
And snow is more criminal
Than flame ever was.
Friendship, kinship is no option,
Though it is clear that colored and white are
Descendants of the same people.
I am a pacifist, I have friends of all ethnicities, and
Hopefully, more people will be colorblind,
Not react on preconceived notions,
And see non-whites for the people they are.
Because it takes everyone to find a solution for all,
Only then will the world get the advancement it yearns for.