The Hard Part is Forgetting . . .
What do you do when you know hope has vanished?
When the darkness had conquered the light, and all that was is gone
You try to set loose from all the strings
But you can never fully dethatch
It’s those memories that are still there
It’s those memories that last
Why is this so important?
I thought my mind had forgotten
Or maybe it was that longing to forget
What I can never forget at all
My mind is lighting up a fire
My memories are the spark
My thoughts are the gasoline to keep it going
And my heart is just wishing it would stop
How do you tell your mind to stop thinking?
And you heart to just grow numb
Because maybe if I lose all feeling
I can finally learn to forget and move on
My life has been a mess
So maybe I should live by this
The past is in the past so leave it in past
And my future seizes to exist