Happy Day
Pouring words,
They flow like silver moutain streams,
down to a valley in winter.
But a drop of water means nothing
unless it is poured with others
Just like it.
A word by itself means nothing!
Meaning is poured into a word
when in the contex of other words.
To make poems, songs.
Like the word 'flight'.
To some it means fireflies dancing
and to others,
Flying with crystal wings.
One word alone can mean nothing or the world,
But is made known in the midst of others
Just like people.
People shouldn't be definded
by what they have
or who they know,
but by circumstance,
Because who we are and what we do
Is made by our experiances.
And the Lord, our God,
He watches us and blesses us all every day.
It's the little things that matter.
And it's different things that
put meaning into one small word.
But it is He
that puts meaning into everything,
And created the world for us
So that we can learn meaning, too.