

I have lost my happiness.

I was holding it in my palm,

Close to my chest

Close to my heart

The safest place I could imagine,

But it quietly slipped,

Through my fingers and vanished;

It has left no trace.

What am I to do now?

I do not want to be unhappy,

And burden my life.

Already I miss the pleasant feel,

The naughty tingle

That filled my body head to toe.

I will soon forget to smile,

I may not again hear the sound of my laughter,

I could even lose the sparkle that lights up my eyes;

The colours of joy, I do not see.

I have scratched the earth and probed my mind,

There is no sign of my happiness,

I cannot mourn its loss,

I had promised never to shed my tears.

O My happiness, do not forsake me

Please come back to me.


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