Half Man Half Monster
A creature created by vulnerable mind
We’re familiar all too well,
With a deadly grip and demon eyes
A messenger come from hell.
It’s not rare that when you enter
You may not come back at all,
Screams echo through the labyrinth
Of the innocent souls who fall.
Who is this creature who prowls the corner
Who feeds on self disbelief?
Who takes the lives of the innocent
Through sadness, heartbreak, and grief?
This thing, half man, half monster
Once called the Minotaur,
Takes all the hopes and dreams of man,
And shatters it on the floor.
In this confusing maze of life
The deeper you wonder this web,
The harder it is to dig yourself out,
Easier to wind up dead.
Reaching out for help from another
Friend, or foe, or fling,
Whomever may be willing to lend you
A silly a roll of string.
This thin, long, never ending thread
Will help mark the pathways,
For when you defeat this creature
You’ll find your way out of the maze.
At every twist, at every turn
There’s a possibility you will find,
This creature standing over you
Or lurking close behind.
After a long perilous battle
Using all the strength that’s left,
You overcome this Monstrous creature
And escape the claws of death.
Using that silly roll of string,
You start to retrace your steps
And find your way to the entrance
As if you had never left.
Awaiting your mighty return
Are those who truly cared.
Who spent several nights sleeplessly
Who’s tender memories you shared.
Never pass an opportunity
To provide one with some string.
To guide them out of the dark deadly maze,
Whether friend, or foe, or fling.
Now you see the danger
Of depression, anxiety and more,
That takes the form half man half monster
Once called the Minotaur.