My mother always said that you can judge someone’s life by looking at their hair
If it’s sticky and untamed
They’re dirty
If it’s slicked neatly back
They’re uptight
If there is no hair at all
They’re old
If it’s straight and silky
They’re beautiful
I have curly hair
Well, I don’t know how to describe it exactly
It’s thick
And wavy
Yet frizzy
And dead at the ends
And untamed
My mother says having curly hair makes you crazy
It means you’re bonkers
I mean, maybe she isn’t so wrong
I’ve always hated my hair
Because it is crazy
I am crazy
It is stubborn
It is difficult
I am stubborn and difficult
Then my hair met yours
Your curly round locks
Twisted tails
And rounded ends
Thick and fluffy
And I never loved such a type of hair in my entire life
I know
It’s kinda like mine
But it’s not
I run my fingers through the forest on your head
The ends of your twisted trees tickling the base of my palm
And after tickling my hands over and over
Against the same trees on your head
The whole forest stands like a wildfire
And I realize that you have been doing the same
Your fingers stuck in the tangly waves of the ocean atop of my head
I never loved such a type of hair my entire life