Ha ha, ha ha
United States
29° 42' 19.8252" N, 95° 27' 43.398" W
See map: Google Maps
United States
29° 42' 19.8252" N, 95° 27' 43.398" W
See map: Google Maps
Every day I wake with a question an unconfirmed pension an alternate dimension undiscovered and waiting
For eyes to meet lies to cease politics will die and beat the sighs coming from our own mind running on used time (used time)
I tried for 16 years of my life to keep quiet, pent up numb condition, religion, no decisions mind control (mind control)
But there came a time when I needed let go of the self hating bible crusades and die because once we see that death is enivitable it became a hell of a lot more easier and more practical to live carpe diem on this earth right now, right here
Technically we are all strapped to time bombs programmed by the God that thought it was a good idea to give us free will now that’s really really funny, isn’t it?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Now I’ve got this burden that I carry around probably from tvs pragmatic approach. Well, whats realistic isn’t always real and I base the based god fantasy off the reality of our own lack of empathy for each other
Now back to the burden art isn’t a word, art is an experience so when I hear telltale delierants talking tenaciously to people like me about how art can be contained by someone or something I start to think that what I create must always make sense and never make mistakes
But I think the beauty in art is the beauty in fate it’s the undetermined violent attacks of imperfection, it’s the not knowing which direction to take and that’s kind of funny ,isn’t it
So whenever I doubt in my own ability to make music and start to think that maybe poems cant sing I take a step back and ask who told you that thing
Congruency is great for things like numbers and questions, formulas and dimensions are not something I hope to pursue so yknow people always ask me who the hell are you and Im like I dunno im trying to figure that out to but instead I’ll just tell you a rhyme or too because that’s what I do
If you don’t like it, then at least I’ve changed your mood
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Beautiful voice, hearing a piece like this makes it much more powerful was a pleasure to read this. What inspired you to write this?
"violent attacks of imperfection" is beautiful, as was the rest but that was my favorite part
10 years ago
Nice poem love it
8 years ago