Went in front of the Judge on January 6, 2021. Wishing I could I have won. I was sentenced to nine months SAFPF. Hopefully I get it done. I also received probation in such an unruly nation. My trip to Gatesville, Texas, don't know if it's safe for me. I hope my time of imprisonment is worth the stay. Without these counselors and officers' attempts in controlling me. Months are passing by with my mind and body at war. I can't seem to gather my thoughts fast enough to place them in action. Life so empty like an empty jar. Waking up everyday trying to figure out why this had to happen to me. But God is in charge of all things. I know that I can never fall short as long as I believe in Him it seems. As I gave up SAFPF trying to find my confidence, I needed God as my guidance. Knowing that the Honorable Judge Hector Garza wasn't going to like the decision I made. My heart would race while waiting weeks to return to court. When I did, my lawyer saw me and automatically threw shade. I spoke my peace as if my life depended upon it. They bet not give me any flint. This sentencing to state jail, sounds like a full ride to hell. With a sentence of 12 months to do. I'm sitting through the intake process wondering who's who. My thoughts keep wonderiing about my freedom. Hopefully sooner than later. Knowing that I made a mistake, I hope my life becomes even greater. With six months to do, I can do this all the way through.God please guide me through this unsteady maze. Tired of all these ill-willed feelings, haze. My time at State Jail has come to an end. May 16, 2022. I have guarded my life and was quick to defend. The stories that I will tell my family. I hope they'll understand. Thank you God for being here for me. With you, zzI didn't pretend. I will continue to be thankful and finish this race with a win!
-Andrunette Sanders