Guardian Devil
I never feel like the way I present myself
after years and years of being the mean one
the tough one
the hard one
the evil one
it's hard to look at my own face and recognize something good
something clean
I saved my first life yesterday
she was a baby
hardly anywhere near her time but it was true, as some do die young she wasn't apart of the group
there was these curtains
they hung low
low enough for her to climb away from the other edge of the pen and pull on it
her hands itched as they brushes the string, working to tie its way around her neck
grabbed it back and with eyes wide open
there I was, the new recruit, risen up from the ashes
staring back at who I used to be
and the baby between us
he was a devil like me
and he looked dissapointed
as if he knew my wings didn't make any sense on my own body either
he left in disgust, the baby looked up at me
I touched her forehead and willed her to sleep, hung the string higher and breathed
neither the clean, good, righteous one, but I want to be