Guardian Angel


United States
38° 13' 46.74" N, 122° 19' 19.5204" W

(Dear Whoever reads this)
you fake a smile everyday,
you act like everything is okay,
that guy can't see through your thick mask,
down deep into your painful past,

don't worry, no one can see,
the cuts across your wrists you hide too easily,
but that boy can see the pain in your eyes,
he can see when your heart dies,

wait just a little longer,
he may be able to make you stronger,
put back those pills, toss away the gun,
your life is far from over, your heart is not done,

throw away that damn rope,
there still is some hope,
put that cold razor on the shelf,
that guy can see your true self,

the loving look in his eyes tells all,
he knows the pain you feel is not small,
he sees that you read poems of death, cutting, secrets,
of suicide, pain and of deep regrets,

i hope you'll give him a chance to make you smile,
because i'll be gone for a while,
keep safe and don't cut please,
i am here begging you on my knees,

lots of love, im not a fable,
please be safe; love your gaurdian angel.



There's so many people who NEED to read this; I love the words that were chosen to tell someone the truth.

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