Growing into my light
New leaf
New growth
New light
New rooms
New moons
I’m starting to glow
The old me is dead
The new me is thriving succeeding accomplish everything & more
Speaking light into me
Believing you can reach all stars
Days may come dim do not look into it
Find your source
Find your peace
Turn your light on
Pray each and everyday
Let go of the small talk
Let go of explaining yourself
Let go of dimin your light for others
Let go of doing more than you can bear
Stop carrying everybody weight
Stop blaming yourself for everything
Don’t ever lower yourself for somebody to love you
Don’t never give more than you receive
No second to big no minute to small
Take in the bad with good
Fuck the past you can’t change your mistakes
Don’t dwell on what you can’t control
Don’t get mad over shit you can’t control
Learn to let it go
Let it go
The pain the broken promises the hurt
Even let go off the trauma
It’s hard but yuhh have to do it
Take one step at time
Walk out on lump
Take the world into your hands
Embrace Everything around you
Soon you will understand why you went through all you went through
Don’t question
Just walk