Green Light
You're doing laundry
And I'm trying to clean my room
Like Gatsby and his green light
Your name on my facebook message says active
Green Dot
Green dot. dot. dot. Green dotdotdot
Move my cursor over and my heart beats faster than I can type
Think about sending a million different things but nothing's enough
This poem's not enough
Just abstract and everywhere
Like when we were kissing and you had to push back my hair
Why am I making this rhyme like I actually care
The sentences grow longer, the pauses stronger
Yet I still can't press enter
You're in San Diego
I'm in Fresno
San Die-GO away feelings!
FresNO more of this please
Loving you is just so much of a tease
I missed my chance
We kiss for hours that night
And our impromptu dance
I was stupid
I'm sorry
Love sucks
dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot
I don't know what to say
I miss you, or the idea of you?
I think about you every day
But it's not enough, it never is and never will be
Separated by 400 miles and a 1 year of my insanity