

United States
32° 53' 35.5704" N, 117° 4' 3.504" W

People all want it
Not many have achieved it
Many have failed
Because their goal was too high
I am only a word
Too much weight put upon my shoulders
If only they'd listen
I'd tell them what others have found out
Once you achieve greatness
their is nothing left to do
No more accolades, no more achievements
Nothing in life left worth living
If only they'd listen
I'd tell them to stop trying
Greatness is not in the accomplishment
Of some man climbing Everest
Or a soldier saving a man from battle
Greatness is the everyday struggle
For the blind to cross a street
Or the lame to try and walk
For the lonely person to get out of bed
to keep trying, that is the rub
Greatness is in everyone of us
Keep trying young folk,
for when you get older
it will be too late
for you to realize
how great you really are


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