I read a story, about a girl who
grew feathers to save her dead sister, and found redemption in the sky
until she tripped over the broken gravestone and
Lost her balance-
and dropped like a meteor, burning everything in her path
I once read a story, about a girl who
defied her mother's wishes and whip
to feed her golden hair to horses until
they became the wind-
She mounted and was never seen again.
I once read a story, about a boy who
flew, so close to heaven that the Sun
melted his blasphemous wings and
he tumbled into the ocean-
Those wings had been a gift from his father.
I do not know who is reading my story, or
how they would summarize it
into a single paragraph, like I have with
the stories of so many others.
But I hope, so desperately hope
that someday soon, I too, will experience the same soaring, crashing freedom.
-if they escaped gravity, even for just a minute, then I can too.