In the Grand Scheme of Things
13. Scared.
Not sure what to do
I have two options
Get up and leave the theater
Let my then boyfriend reach down my pants
As I beg him to stop.
That day, I took the road less travelled
Let him touch me against my will
As I begged him to stop.
I came home and cried.
Not sure how to tell others
Especially not my parents
I told him no
He told me he loved me.
17. Destroyed.
My boyfriend had just broken up with me a week prior
My one male manager was there for me as I fell
But too close
Told me how much I was worth
Told me how pretty I was
Told me how much better I was than his wife
How he wanted me to be his
How he would do anything for me
Which includes cutting himself
When I told him I didn’t love him back
How he would’ve left his pregnant wife for me
He didn’t know that I left work for the next week
Sobbing silently in my car after work
Begging my parents to let me quit
Let me be free from this man
And the flashbacks to be cornered in that movie theater
Saying no all those times to my then boyfriend
To the betrayal, to the feelings of being useless
To a past life I tried so desperately tried to forget
19. Drunk
I had feelings for you
The first I’ve had in awhile
Since I’ve been let down so many times before
I felt you pulling away initially
And did everything to try to get you back
I invited you over that night
Initiated it all
I regret that every moment I’m awake.
I made myself vulnerable to you
Wanted you, like I thought you wanted me
But you hurt me
Held me down on my own bed
Kept going when I said stop
Pushed my hands away when I tried to push you off
You hurt me, and I blamed myself
I thought it was my fault
And I haven’t stopped crying since.
19. Healing
I’ve started counseling
Started the healing process
Years of repressed memories
Years of blaming myself
Years of unknown PTSD symptoms
I cry less
However, the moments of being helpless
Feeling like I’m trapped
Haunt me in class
But I’m healing
In the grand scheme of things
I’m better