The Good and the Godly
The good and the godly for life have been models
of strength and behavior worth following,
But what can you do when the pastors and preachers
start falling and leave you there watching?
When leaders start cheating and pastors start lying
and you walk in to see their adultery,
So they force you to silence and tell you that sharing
their secrets will lead to great misery?
How can you be strong when the parents who taught you
integrity, truth, and humility,
call you selfish for sharing just once their great misdeeds
and yell at you through their hypocrisy.
How can they teach godly sexual living
while constantly being adulterers?
How can they expect my support and my aid while
they shush me and stop my mere stutters?
No longer can silence and hiding the truth be
the course that I find myself taking.
No more can I bear to lie straight to my siblings
and friends and new leaders around me.
The truth must be told, no more can they hide me
from sharing the sins they've committed.
Perhaps those in charge can persuade them to stop
all the lies, lust, and cheating they live in,
for my words meant zilch when I warned them about
how their actions will harm, rot, and kill.
But no matter what worries or terrors I had,
they dismissed til I was near ill.
They kept on their course, justifying sins
while a husband OD'ed on the couch,
and a wife filed quickly, separated, divorced,
while her children blamed her for the wreckage.
For the pastor and whore who'd so long kept on sinning
convinced them they were in the right,
so many stood up to fight on their behalf
even though it was never their fight.
Now churches divided, families are broken,
and there's loss that might have been avoided,
all because we failed to speak up from the start
of the terrors these pastors committed.
Now the wedding is coming, just 6 days away
and you won't find me there in the crowds,
for the damage is done, but I have one more job
to finally speak truth aloud.
My brothers and sisters, these leaders were caught
drunk, horny, alone, and in sin,
so now you can lie, but the people all know
of your con and your cheating. You're finished.