Going Back to Toxicity
Drops of water running down
From your head to toes
Your legs have a mind of their own now
Youre running as fast and as hard as you can
You look back to see how far youve gone
To see how far your past is
To see if it's a good enough distance
Then everything comes to stop
You either realize your past has caught up to you or
You've lost all sight of it and your end game is unknown
No matter how far you run
One memory
One word
One look
One touch
One person
It can change everything
Pull you back
Make you run the wrong way
It brings you zero peace and more confusion
The way you were going
It was for you
The path was made for you to take
Then it pulls you back to the beginning
Only leading you to another line
Zero closure
And more steps to recover
You went the wrong way
Distracted, hurt, lost
And only carrying the desire to finish what you started
Youre tired, frustrated
And your legs are in pain
Then you lose your passion to finish it
Losing hope for closure
And the race is over
You're dead last
And you never had the chance to finish the race
On the path you were meant to be on