God's will in nature
James 5:17-18 New English Translation (NET Bible)
17 Elijah was a human being like us, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain and there was no rain on the land for three years and six months! 18 Then he prayed again, and the sky gave rain, and the land sprouted with a harvest.
God’s will in nature
Where there was rain there now is drought.
The weather seems to change everywhere.
Grasping for straws is the weather crowd.
Nothing is left but blame the atmosphere.
Man will figure many reasons.
They're very smart and won’t give in.
There is snow in places out of season
and floods, where floods have "never" been.
I sit back in admiration
smiling at what God has done.
Predicting in my thoughts the matter,
that God’s control can’t be outdone.
I guess, I figured God’s will in this.
At times I hear requests for rain.
As people prayed my thoughts would say
Drought is God’s will now and again.
My youngest son told me one day
that so many prayed to get rain.
The storms came and water poured
in confusion, I resigned in pain.
Even in the rain, I don’t understand God’s will.
Do I understand the power of prayer?
When I think God’s judgment is here
His mercy rules even for the gainsayer.
In faith, some pray, and God just moves.
While I myself just observe conditions.
Satisfied that I can’t change a thing
Surely not the will of God for this civilization.
Is that the faith that can move mountains?
Is that the power that can change the world?
A few just pray and drink from the fountain
that God provided in Jesus’ name.
Yea. Some have it and others don’t.
Some accept and some live by faith.
Some are burdened and some are free.
It is up to you now to contemplate.
Jan Wienen