God's Hands
Spacey eyes, and two clear hearts.
Both taste so sweet, but sour when so far apart.
Hours and days go by so quick,
God is just tempting with his spacious trip.
Time is ticking, there is none to spare,
Numbers so bright flare up in the air.
He looks on the two with their love so fair,
Waiting for it to end with just one dare.
His looks pierce, like razors to skin,
But luckily their love is not so thin.
The stars align and glare,
On the two lovers with much to spare.
The air sounds crisp,
God only waiting for a devilish twist.
Called by name,
She falls for God’s game.
No one to save her from God’s devious mind,
She found herself in a clustering bind.
By the end, she was no more,
Leaving him
with no room to score.
His mind so sweet
His feelings so sour.
All God can do now is buy her a flower.
God tested her limits,
Up until her very last minutes.
Breaking the trust,
Over some overbearing lust.
God was to blame,
Now he walks with his head down in shame.
God loved all,
Until her last fall.
His love still ran rapid,
How could he be so damn vapid.
Tear soaked eyes,
Show almost all of God’s lies.
He wanted to fall with his lover,
Because he really does love her.
God’s bullet,
God’s brain,
All ending with a shot in egger pain.
God found his true love,
In her name, he ended his own pain.
But in the end, he is still all, to blame.