At times of utter despair
hidden from the world when I sit,
I wonder why I was raised without a father
why was I shown and given people in my life,
loved and supported
became what they became by
whatever— provided by their parent
normally raised— hidden from woe
of broken household and economy to fix it
let alone fear of being unsafe.
Having no one watching over me
no sound I make, was ever heard
I concealed myself so good.
we crave to think of God as a person
it’s still undiscovered
but like everyone I assumed at times
God as a person who loved one of his creations
Prophet Muhammad,
there’s no evidence of someone
ever loving someone this much.
Half of the world
Christians call him father
and the other half knows He loves us
over seventy mothers can.
Prophet was raised unattended by parents
the people of his town, of family
accepted him not.
It was the world who followed
and we have sunnah’ in literature today.
It’s enough evidence to claim, philosophically
that God exists in every part of us
even where we think there’s a hole
a cavity, a hollow path we never walked into
just like the absence of my father.
He stays in wrecked and we find him there.
Prophet found him there, in his cavity
in poverty and having no father to feed
a city not wanting his presence
people replying with stones when he said something
we say better worse to each other today
protected by freedom of speech
we never see bloodshed in conversations.
but it happened to him,
an example was given
that people given with luxury, barely thinks
and Quran evidently presents God, saying;
“only thinkers and observers can find me”.
and how much mind I use when I sit
away from the world, in despair when
my hands are tied, where I have to play a lot of roles
and barely remembering who I am.
I am wretched and— I know He exists here.