God is here
I see Him in the smile of a child
I see Him in the loving gaze of parents watching their infant
I see Him in a sunset, the ocean, the intricate details of a snowflake, and in all His creations
I see Him in the rain washing everything clean and refreshing it with new life
I see Him when people reach out to help each other
I see Him when needs are met in unexpected ways
I feel Him when someone gives me a hug or prays for me not knowing how much I needed it
I feel Him in the love from my friends and family
I feel Him draw close to me as I sing His praise
I feel Him in the wind gently caressing my face
I hear Him say in the quiet as I hand over my worries that He will always provide for me
I hear Him cry out for us to do something about the injustice in the world
I hear Him gently say I made you for a reason
I hear Him say go make a difference
I hear Him say only you can do this
I hear Him say your actions may seem small but they are more important than you can imagine
I hear Him say He loves me