Heavenly Gates, beautiful wings sunshine on my skin and my mansion with my own key.
But God isnt gonna wait on me. No one is gonna praise my name for me to see that he is my savior,
my heart, my king.
Yeah Im not perfect, but in my eyes he is. Glorify God and his wonderful mercies. Sweet on my lips,
Blissful in my heart your words i could never break apart.
God, God thank you God for saving me giving me the eyes that you use to see me. i thank him for my friends and family and my life with him for an eternity. Peace with thee, I cry to be in his arms.
i am a child of God, A child of compassion and grace. God gave me a reason to smile a reason to give myself an oppourtunity.
God is who i want to be like and who I want to live with. God is everything God is love and my all.