The girl in chains
I'm the girl in chains
They drag and pull whichever way they please
I want to stay here! They drag me futher in.
The girl screams, and pulls my hair with gnarled hands.
Her nails slice my flesh apart
Just let them pull you away, she whimpers..Let the light fade from your eyes, let your voice quiet
I'm the girl with chains strapped to her waist
They lead to many hands but never mine
They twist her to and fro
They leave her breathless when links tighten.
Never still, say the chains.
Or the whispers in the darkness will lead us away.
The chains bounce with my brain waves
If you loosen up a little, the tide wouldn't take us.
But the tides is kind.
It sings of etenal rest, and loosened ties
They bring us to land with its highs and takes from dangers with its lows.
Why run from the tides, child
What of drowning? Her hands scramble for the deck, nails streaked in crimison
I sit on the dock and have added another chain to my collection.
To wrap around my walls, the bob wire not enough.
It's never safe enough, though my back aches from its weight.
I'm the girl treading water and high tide has returned.
Will you give me a hand, the me that sits on the dock? I'm tired of drowning.
How can I? I am the girl in the chains.