Gift of Silence


To truly enjoy nature is to experience absolute tranquility.

One cannot notice the tiny ant exploring the leaf of the vine

as it aggressively assaults the husk of the tree in its everlasting

quest for absolute light and warmth from the morning sun.

True silence is a requirement for space in our brains to breathe;

creativity ne’er comes from bedlam, nor travail, nor revelry.

Our creativity needs the quietude of space to allow the whispers

of God to enter our hearts, allowing us His voice to lead.


Silence forces us to slow down. . .

allowing love to replace all doubts

that creep into our lives each waking day.

This is God’s Love that wraps us

in a warmth so enriching that we

are excited to share the love and nurture

we have been blessed to receive

in our silent times.


©Russell Kendall Carter, BA. MAT. Dlitt.


This poem is about: 
Our world


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