The Gift of Life


United States
33° 59' 29.76" N, 81° 1' 39.7272" W

Life, something often taken for granted.
But often this is not true.
Sometimes things go wrong,
And the life we want to bring along,
Unfortunately can not come.
Research is not far enough along
To insure that everyone comes into the world.
We think we have the control,
Until nature takes hold.
We try and we try
To increase our odds of success,
But such research comes at a high price.
And so we rely on the generosity
Of all those in the world who care.
Care enough to give the gift of life
So give, give, give!
To the March of Dimes,
And let the research carry on,
So that no more babies will die.
Everyone deserves to live,
And you hold that chance
Within the palm of your hand.


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