Giant Trees & Scary Stories

I am a virgo which means I am more sensitive than I tend to admit

I think about how nothing is perpetual, but then I think about roses

How eternally beautiful they are, as they are beautiful even after they die

I hear music, but mostly feel it in my bones radiating inspiration throughout my body

I wonder if other people dwell on the fast pace our lives are moving in as often as i do

I want to inspire people the way i’m inspired by scary stories and giant trees


I pretend that I can breathe underwater and imagine the things I could find at the bottom of the ocean

I feel tiny butterflies in my fingertips when I’m upset over things and stuff that are merely just things and stuff

I hold a large cup of coffee every morning because if I don’t, I might kill someone

I worry that my dream will remain only that, a dream

I cry at the end of movies––sometimes at the beginning––often several times in the middle.

I am scared of the dark, but not as scared as I am of time


I understand that horoscopes and ghosts aren’t scientifically proven but I’m not the type to need evidence in order to believe in something

I say there’s too much caffeine in your bloodstream and lack of real spice in your life, to myself often throughout the day as these are lyrics written by my favorite band.

I dream of creating things, paintings, stories, poetry, and films

I try to acquire motivation to make up for all this inspiration

I hope to one day successfully express my imagination with world

I am a virgo which means i am more sensitive than I tend to admit



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