This Generation
Born in this Generation
Born in the wrong Generation
When love is just a word
When relationships mean nothing more than just passing time
When all we do is care more about ourselves than we do for others
Where does the loyalty lie
Shooting each other just for the fun of it
Joining gangs and calling them family just for the heck of it
Bullying one another because someone is more unique than the others
How can we call ourselves the future Generation
When we can barely let go of the past…..Generation
Hurting one another
Lying to one another
Where does the loyalty lie
Fuckboy this and Fuckboy that
She’s a hoe and she's a thot
Her skirt is to short
Her shirt is way to tight
Its her fault for wearing something so tight
Maybe instead of blaming our young girls its time to teach our young males
Its NOT okay
She does NOT want to be touched
She did NOT asked to be raped
So quick to grow up
So quick to dress up enjoy your youth while you have it
Don’t worry young one you’ll grown up soon enough
The darker the berry the sweeter the juice
Just because she is darker than me and she is lighter than me does not make her or her or any of them less of a woman than me
You dislike her because of her color
When she’s a replication of your mother
Black is beautiful Black means power
Don’t be persuaded by them
Soon enough they shall know
Our up rising is coming soon just wait on it we shall all be there soon
Born in this Generation
Born in the right Generation
Our time is coming and we are slowly rising in numbers
Regrouping and becoming more aware of the world around us from a very young age
Some more naive than others but wait on us our glow up is coming soon
So I say friends did we learn something about this Generation
The right Generation
Our time is here our time is now so take a stand for the right Generation
Learn from the past
Become our new future
So I say my friends did we truly learn something from this poem
That this is the right Generation
No more waiting
No more Standing
No more Eric Garners or Sandra Blands
No more Micheal Browns or Tamir Rice's
or Trayvon Martin's
because this is the