Gates of Strength within.

Wed, 10/31/2012 - 01:14 -- joepoem


United States
33° 56' 52.368" N, 118° 17' 36.9204" W

They always glimmer like a bright sun in times of joy.
But in times of storms and lightning and fire they might as well DESTROY.
When the storms dissipate and leave the minds and fields the despair sets in and hazes the sight.
Through them you can see the struggle and fight.
Even if the fight to strong or the winds to calm i try to see the shimmer of the microscopic blinding light.
These gateways of knowledge are the truth we hate to see.
That show us the thoughts and things we hide.
These gates have been tortured scratched and bruised,
By the owner of the home that has nothing to lose.
Gates left stranded and closed all day.
That has been left in the rain to become oh so grey.
Darkness has filled the surrounding frame.
Almost like a shade of black that you try to cover with paint.
Free the gates from the struggle and trouble.
Change the color from a shady dark to shimmering gold of blinding light.
We will fight together to refurbish the gates.
These gates are the eyes of the beauty's sight.
Finally release yourself with your fierceness and amazing traits.
That will be unbounded by horrible fates.


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