A Friend of Mine
A friend of mine asked me to write a poem
about myself, and for the first time, I was left
without words. I realized that I can churn out
pages upon pages about lovers and the sea
and holy places and music floating through
the night, but I can’t write a single line about
myself. I don’t know how to weave my grocery
list of redeemable qualities into the tapestry of
Earth’s most beautiful things.
But I am still learning, and I am still growing into
this body. My confidence doesn’t quite fit me yet;
it still hangs off the ends of my hands like I’m a child
playing dress up in my father’s sportcoat. I have to
cuff the hems of my integrity. I wear thick socks so
that my feet fill my compassion. My honesty falls
into my eyes.
But my eyes and my smile are tailor made, and
my heart has my initials stitched into it between
its coronary veins. They are mine and only mine,
and I am theirs, and someday they will fit me like
a glove. I’ll radiate confidence and integrity and
compassion and honesty and be soft like rose
petals and babies’ dozing breaths but strong like
iron and women's hands and the ground I skinned
my knees upon in childhood and someday, some
glorious someday, I’ll be unwavering in my love
of myself.
I am with me every second of my life. I am the
best friend I’ve ever had. Slowly, I will learn to
see myself as such.