A friend
I don't know if you know what it feels like to have your heart broken time after time after time
But I'm stupid
I keep letting it happen
And I think too much
And I decide my heart is broken before it even gets a chance to be
The worst is when some one you really care about breaks it
The one other person in this stupid town that you really though "got it" like you did
And you're stupid
Because you know he gets it
But he doesn't give a damn
Because "getting it" is not as important to him as "getting some"
And he's not a bad person
And it's so hard to hate him
But things would be so much easier if you could
If you could just throw him away and forget about him
But every time he sees you he gets that big stupid grin
That big dumb grin that makes it impossible to not love him
And he'll play punch you in the arm
Or call you a punk
Or some other fake mean tease that let's you know he's your friend
But he's just your friend
And you never really thought it would be so awful to have
A friend