the most important freedom,
is taken away from the most helpless,
the ones without a voice.
The beauty of a LIFE given
can easily be made
to a LIFE unlivin'.
Such a change
for the ones without a choice.
From the ones with the choice
to ceate or destroy a most beautiful LIFE.
It's against the law to murder.
Yet, every woman is allowed to do so,
to make a LIFE go no further.
A child with feelings and a heart,
with a LIFE so pure,
who has not even had an opportunity to make a difference.
We can make a difference,
Is such a powerful phrase to say
Yet can we really if we don't get a chance to stay
In our world
LIFE can be taken for granted.
But wouldn't you rather have a decision to make that decision,
to live LIFE?
A simple LIFE,
just one,
cannot be so important.
Who knows,
maybe the one who was meant to create world peace
was helplessly aborted.