
Thu, 01/18/2018 - 12:11 -- Kate.T

Truth is,

it never was, and never would be like in the movies


That's the thing most people don't understand

I don't want the kissing in the rain and rushing to the airport to catch me before I run

Let me run

Let me run wild through the busy streets

Let me escape to places you have never seen or heard of before

Let me break my shell over and over

reinvent myself so many times you lose track

Let me be confident and free

Take it all in and let it happen without pushing me into the barricaded framework of your universe

Because I want more than that

I want the oceans filled with salt tears drowning my every word

I want my skin soaking in the afternoon sun and I want the midnight rain

I want to feel every fiber of my being alive

Filled with this world's most precious moments



This poem is about: 
Our world


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