Foreign Friends
(Disclaimer: This poem does not insinuate I engage in incest.
Mention of sleeping with my brother refers to times in the past
that I have been woken up by my younger siblings after they'd
had a nightmare and our parents wouldn't sleep next to them so
they asked me. Hope that clears some things up.)
Sometimes I sleep alone
Or with a friend
My little baby girl
My princess, my sunshine.
My kitten makes the bed warm
My child can't hold me tight
My brother shoves me off the bed
And a friend turned off the light.
With each my sleep will vary,
Some peaceful
Some calm
Some in chunks
Or not at all.
Sometimes I'm okay
And when I'm not,
I lie awake.
When you're there,
I make sure you're okay.
And when you're not,
I count the stars.
One twinkled
One's dark
One time I cried
And ate an Ark.
It flooded my dreams
They lasted an hour
And then I woke up
It tasted sour.
I wish it were only
A dream.
And when you sleep,
I try to count sheep
But instead lay awake
And watch you fade away.