Fly For Us

Tue, 09/06/2016 - 19:38 -- Rayeil


The sun touches the ground

That is when I hear the sound

So silent there is none


He sits upon my windowsill

Before the day grows old

He sits upon my looking glass and stories will be told


Rough day?

He will ask

I will say the same as always

He will ask the how so?

And I will say the same as always


I suppose my day was different

He will say to me

The day hasn’t started yet

I will say to he


For me, not you

Not you, for me

For me I can go everywhere

For you, you remain

You see?


I never saw

I would say

You have just arrived

Upon my windowsill

When the sun cowers from the sky


Now it is you

I say

Who does not understand

For you, you can go everywhere

For me, this is my land


We both do not understand

For we cannot really talk to one another

We can only share the imaginations

Of each other.


Then go on

I will say

Before the sun becomes so brave

Go on, unknown bird

Fly away


I will, I will

He would say to me

But never forget

before day begins

You must call me


I will travel around the city

And before the day grows old

I will return

with stories to be told


I will leave this windowsill

Before you humans begin to rush

And do not worry my friend

I will fly for us.


The sun touches the ground

That is when I hear the sound

So silent there is none

When the small bird makes my day

“Hello, little one."

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