Flawless Flaws
Acne scars and facial blemishes
My true beauty is what these do not diminish, It's
the fact that I can get through the day with a smile
Even when I'm sporting a messy hair style
Or wearing the clothes that somebody wore before me
I'm soaking up life, taking in all the glory
Wearing no makeup in public because I don't have a care
It's a feeling of complete bliss that most girls can share
Or stepping outside with stubbly legs and shorts on
Since the flaws do not concern me, begone
I appreciate the better things in life
Even though words can cut like a knife
Thick eyebrows must be plucked to the "T"
But who will that impress? Like, really?
Embrace what you're given because there is no such thing as "normal"
No matter what skin color you have: dark, ivory, or carmel
Even if you've got a few more wrinkles than the rest
Some may consider those flaws to be the best
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