Fire Dies
I can feel you grow weaker
As you step inside the class
You use to torment me endlessly
But those days have passed
Your soulless stare catches mine
I pull a wicked grin
We both know it’s the end of your time
I take my seat
I hear you whispering to your friends
I throw you a note that read
‘After class ends”
This school is mine
Yet you act like nothing has changed
But I can taste your fear
And how I have your life rearranged
The bell has rung and you’re taking your leave
I snatch up my things and push you out of my way
You don’t have anything to say
You stick your nose in the air
You have nothing more to achieve
The only reason I dominate now
Is because I have already shown my true colors
For you it’s a never ending charade
I love how no one else knows
That you crawl inside yourself like a cave
I can’t do anything more than pity
Your made up life
Just looking at you makes me sad
You’re actually no better than anyone
Shouldn’t you be so glad?
-Ashley Knight