Finding (Your) Life
Explode into the world, leaving your inhibitions in the dancing wind.
Your comfort zone is a place to forget and leave behind, for outside of it greater things are accomplished.
It isn't easy, and every day you are filled with an invigorating fresh fear, but the life you lead shall be one of constat exploration, and discovery.
And it is within this state that you shall NEVER grow old.
So jump, play, investigate and be childlike.
Be innovative and fearless.
Drown the world in the vastness of your life.
Be something bigger than what is expected.
Change your outfit.
Change the world.
Hope and dream as though it is the only thing you know.
Have faith and smile at all you have been blessed with.
And though the dark may try to snuff out your joy, remember that you ARE the light.
So shine brighter than you believe you are capable and become more than anything you have ever imagined.
It is a wonderous gift; this life we were given.
Get out there and find it.