Finding Happiness


United States
35° 54' 26.6148" N, 84° 0' 22.1976" W

As I walk through the dark forest
Where once thought I could hide
I am more then certain I have changed my mind
the darkness over took my heart and soul
tears down my face and pain is all I grew to know
I walk forward and dare not look back
For a sparkle of light is still in my sight
Time to take control and make things right
As I travel forward I dare to dream
Realizing nothing is ever as it seems
However certain my future is meant to be bright
I tear myself from my life of pain and stride for the light
With each step forward my confidence grows
Starting to catch on to what everyone should know
I am in control of my life
Never again will I leave my light
I will protect it and hold it dear
so my new found happiness will never disappear

Angela Lamons


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