The sun is shining
The birds are singing
Like me
Because I am finally happy
And I find
That my opinions
Are revising
Like the weather
Because I thought it would be hard
To find happiness
But now I find
That spring’
Mirrors my mood
Because everywhere
I find comparisons
And metaphors
To fit my mood
And even though
I haven’t seen the first robin
And dirty patches of snow
Are everywhere
For the first time
In awhile
I have hope
That spring will come
And I will be happy
And that things will turn out right
In the end
Because it is only February, after all
Spring might not come quite yet
But hope is a seed
That sprouts quickly
And really, what’s the point of worrying
About what might not come?
I can just enjoy this, now
Enjoy the sun on my face
The insistent noise
Of birdsong in my ear
And the color
Finally here