Filtered World vs Reality
Filters that cover reality
Make us look like what society believes is beautiful
Hides the "imperfections" of ourselves
Makes us unimpaired to the world
Can reality be beautiful if its not under a filtered lens?
Will I still get the fire and heart eyed emojis?
Or are they flawed because you can see who I really am?
We are not imperfect
Without the filters - you show who you really are
Without the Sepia filter you are still flawless
You're still handsome
Filters are covering up what's really exquisite about you
Reality doesn't have filters
You are you
And you are beautiful without the black and white filter
Or the filter that gives you the look that makes your skin appear soft
It doesn't make the grass look greener than it really is
It's all beautiful without the modification
Filters cover the real allure in life