Filter This!
No filter = no likes.
No filter is like going on a date,
without breaking the ice.
(Which is a habit of mine)
No filter is #Fresh Friday
and no #Makeup Monday.
No filter is usually me.
As far as you see
this is what #NoFilter means.
This is what it mean's to me:
It's staying up late, and
having awkward ridiculous conversations like:
If you could fly, how high would you go, and why?
You tell me filter is everything.
But life isn't contained by a 1:1 box.
Life doesn't end in 140 characters,
Life doesn't stop.
It beats around bushes as it talks.
No filter is real It's the way I am.
There's no emoticon for the ways I feel.
(That's metaphorical because there are so many.)
No filter is putting your phone down and smiling,
Not just for the camera But for life's ins
...and outs. That's what no filter is about.