The Filter
People see me through a filter
They see me through a filter I created
I morphed the image of myself
People don't see me
They see who I think they should see
The filter is not for them
The filter is for me
The filter protects the real me
The real me is vulnerable
The real me does not want to be seen
Being seen opens worlds of hurt
Being seen allows others to care for you
Being seen is weakness
The real me is scared
Scared to lose
Scared to lose the others around her
Scared to lose herself
The real me has scars hidden deep
Scars from the pain
Scars from those she has lost
Scars from the things she has seen
Scars from self infliction
The real me does not have happiness
Smile they tell her
Smiles are for those with happiness she tells herself
The person they think I am is different
She is different than the real me
People will never truly know
They will never know what lies beyond the filter